When Are We US?

An Exploration of Freedom, Civic Responsibility, Overcoming Challenges, and Change

Welcome to When Are We US? - a thought-provoking approach to the commemoration of the US 250th anniversary that delves into the fundamental ideals of democracy and the role they play in shaping our society. The American Revolution spans beyond the war for independence to encompass a broad social and political event. Using the framework of When Are We Us?, we will examine these impacts and how North Carolinians have continued to engage with the topics of freedom, civic responsibility, and the ideals of democracy over the last 250 years. We will examine how change can be a powerful force for progress and how we can work together to create a more just and equitable society.

Join us as we explore the many revolutionary voices from our past through a variety of programming and events. We invite you to engage in the conversation, ask questions, and share your thoughts on these important issues. Together, we can work towards a deeper understanding of our history, the ideals of democracy, and how we can make them a reality in our society. Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration and discovery. 

 As you explore the resources below, think about the revolutionary ideals of freedom. Who was included, and who has historically been left out? What challenges do we still face today?

North Carolina Historic Sites

Explore how North Carolina Historic Sites are engaging with the topics and themes of When are We US?   

 Learn at NC Historic Sites

More Ways to Learn

Learn about women’s suffrage in North Carolina on the Bits of History podcast by the North Carolina Museum of History

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